Personal Injury

Can I File a South Carolina Personal Injury Claim If I Don’t Know Who Caused My Crash?

Our David W. Martin Accident & Injury Lawyers in South Carolina know that no one leaves their home, work, or even a restaurant and expects to be hurt in a vehicle collision. The reality is, according to the South Carolina Traffic Collision Fact Book, there is one traffic collision every 4.3

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What is the Difference Between Mild, Moderate, and Severe Brain Injuries?

Our David W. Martin Accident and Injury Lawyers in South Carolina know that according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there were more than 214,000 traumatic brain injury-related hospitalizations nationwide last year. The CDC describes a traumatic brain injury, or TBI, as an injury that affects how the brain works. It

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Why Rain Causes More Deadly Crashes than Snow and Fog Combined

Our David W. Martin Accident and Injury Lawyers in South Carolina know that, on average, more than 6,000 people are killed and 445,000 are injured due to weather-related accidents yearly in the U.S. Most people are surprised to learn snow and ice are not the deadliest driving hazards. Turns out it

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Can You Get Whiplash While Wearing a Seatbelt?

Our David W. Martin Accident and Injury Lawyers in South Carolina know our state’s initial seatbelt law was enacted on July 1, 1989. As the law evolved, it now states, “The driver and every occupant of a motor vehicle, when it is being operated on the public streets and highways of

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Why Commute Times are More Dangerous for South Carolina Drivers

Our David W. Martin Accident and Injury Lawyers in South Carolina know in March 2020, commuting halted for much of the U.S. workforce. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of people working from home tripled between 2019 and 2021, from 5.7% (roughly nine million people) to 17.9% (27.6 million people). The

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What to Do When the Insurance Company Becomes the Real Problem

Our David W. Martin Accident and Injury Lawyers in South Carolina know that most reasonable people believe that after their lives have been turned upside down in a vehicle collision caused by another driver’s negligence, the insurance company will do their part and make the injured party whole again. Unfortunately, the

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When is it Time for Aging Parents to Stop Driving?

Our David W. Martin Accident and Injury Lawyers in South Carolina know that accidents involving aging adults are trending in the wrong direction. For every 1,000 people involved in crashes, senior drivers are involved in 96.61 accidents. The older the senior driving, the more likely they are to cause or be

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What’s the Difference Between a Personal Injury Claim and a Personal Injury Lawsuit in South Carolina?

Our David W. Martin Accident and Injury Lawyers in South Carolina know that most people believe that partnering with an attorney about injuries caused by another person, party, or entity’s negligence is the equivalent of filing a lawsuit against the liable party. This misnomer keeps many people from seeking legal help

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What’s Different About Intersection Accidents in South Carolina?

Our David W. Martin Accident and Injury Lawyers in South Carolina know vehicle collisions often occur at intersections because these are the locations where two or more roads cross each other, and activities like turning left, crossing over, and turning right have the potential for conflicts resulting in crashes. According to the

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Do I Still Have a Personal Injury Claim If My Health Insurance Paid My Medical Bills?

Our David W. Martin Accident and Injury Lawyers in South Carolina know that medical bills can begin mounting quickly after a personal injury accident — like a car crash or slip and fall — occurs. Fortunately, for those who have it, two types of insurance can help soften the financial impact of the

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David W. Martin Accident and Injury Lawyers is the personal injury division of David W. Martin Law Group, LLC. David W. Martin Law Group, LLC. is responsible for all content, links, and blogs contained within this website.


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