Can Traffic Camera Footage Help Prove Negligence After a South Carolina Car Accident?

Traffic Camera Footage Help Prove Negligence After a Car Accident in South Carolina?

Our David W. Martin Accident and Injury Lawyers in Fort Mill and Rock Hill understand how quickly a South Carolina car accident can turn our clients’ lives upside down.

The bad news is, they are not uncommon.

According to the South Carolina Traffic Collision Fact Book, there were 141,096 traffic collisions throughout the state last year. And while they come in all types, including everything from rear-end and head-on collisions to catastrophic crashes and fatalities, the one thing they often have in common is that they could have been prevented.

Our South Carolina auto accident attorneys know that negligence alters our clients’ lives in ways most would find difficult to recover from. That is why we work so hard to investigate the collision, secure the evidence, and develop a crash site analysis to discover exactly how the accident occurred. And, more importantly, who was responsible.

Often, some of the most important evidence can come from an incredibly reliable source: Video footage.

What Type of Video Footage Can Be Used to Strengthen My South Carolina Personal Injury Claim?

In South Carolina, and across the nation, it is nearly impossible to move about in a car, on foot, or inside a restaurant or another business without being recorded by cameras that are in plain sight and others that may be harder to spot.

Because of this, there are some very common areas that record movement, including vehicle collisions, that can help tell your story.

They may include:

  • Traffic cameras
  • Video surveillance cameras
  • Gas station cameras
  • Doorbell cameras
  • ATM cameras
  • Cellphones
  • Vehicle recording devices

Because other valuable evidence like the police report and your medical records will nearly pinpoint the time of the collision, it is possible to search for footage on public, private, commercial, and government properties to determine if there is additional evidence available to help strengthen your South Carolina personal injury case.

Upon discovering any potential locations that could have captured the crash, we will legally request and review the footage from the owner or operator of the premises where it was obtained with their permission, so it can be used inside and outside the courtroom during our negotiations.

Contact Our Skilled Personal Injury Lawyers in South Carolina Today for a consultation

If you were in a crash and have already sought medical care for your injuries, contact our York County, South Carolina personal injury attorneys at the David W. Martin Accident and Injury Lawyers today by calling 803-258-6199 to determine the next steps to building your case for success.

We provide consultations for all personal injury cases in South Carolina, and never charge any legal fees unless we deliver a positive outcome for your unique case.

David W. Martin Accident and Injury Lawyers is the personal injury division of David W. Martin Law Group, LLC. David W. Martin Law Group, LLC. is responsible for all content, links, and blogs contained within this website.


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